What is an IP address?
Q: What is an IP address?
A: An IP address (short for Internet Protocol address) is a label which is used to identify one or more devices on a computer network, such as the internet. It can be compared to a postal address.
Q: How is an IP address written?
A: An IP address is a long number written in binary. Since such numbers are difficult to communicate, IP addresses are usually written as a set of numbers in a given order.
Q: What does an IP address do?
A: Devices using IP addresses use the internet protocol to communicate.
Q: How can an IP address be compared?
A: An IP address can be compared to a postal address.
Q: Is it easy to read an IP Address?
A: No, it is not easy to read an IP Address since it is written in binary and usually expressed as a set of numbers in a given order.
Q: What type of communication uses an IP Address?
A: Devices using an IP Address use the internet protocol for communication.