What is involuntary celibacy?

Q: What is involuntary celibacy?

A: Involuntary celibacy, or inceldom, is the inability to get sex or a romantic partner.

Q: Who are incels?

A: Incels, short for "involuntarily celibate," are people who cannot find a sexual or romantic partner.

Q: Are there different types of incels?

A: Yes, there are different types of incels including femcels (female incels), gaycels (homosexual incels), transcels (transgender people going through inceldom) and more.

Q: What is the Incelosphere?

A: The Incelosphere refers to websites where discussions about involuntary celibacy take place. These websites are mostly frequented by heterosexual males but female and gay incels also exist.

Q: Who invented the term "incel"?

A: The term "incel" was invented by a college student named Alana from Toronto, Ontario who created a website to discuss her own sexual inactivity with others.

Q: What is trufemceling?

A: Trufemceling is when femcels believe that their condition of being unable to get romance or a partner is permanent and refer to this state as femceldom. The largest forum related to this at the turn of 2020 was the subreddit trufemcels which served as a platform for femcels.

Q: How do some Incel's view evolutionary psychology?

A: Some Incel's take views from fields like evolutionary psychology believing that male Incell's have no chance against more attractive males and women have things easier because of feminism and cosmetics. They may also believe their lack of success is due to shyness, poor body image, penis size or appearance and think having lots of money will be their only chance at finding an attractive partner.

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