Where is Inverness Airport located?

Q: Where is Inverness Airport located?

A: Inverness Airport is located in Dalcross, which is approximately 8 miles or 13 km northeast of the city of Inverness in the Scottish Highlands.

Q: What is the main purpose of Inverness Airport?

A: The main purpose of Inverness Airport is to serve as the gateway for travellers to the Scottish Highlands and Islands.

Q: What types of flights are available from Inverness Airport?

A: There are a wide range of scheduled services throughout the United Kingdom and Ireland, as well as limited charter and freight flights to continental Europe.

Q: Who owns Inverness Airport?

A: Inverness Airport is owned by Highlands and Islands Airports Limited (HIAL), which also owns most of the regional airports in mainland Scotland and the outlying islands.

Q: How many passengers passed through Inverness Airport in 2009?

A: In 2009, a total of 591,397 passengers passed through Inverness Airport.

Q: Was Inverness Airport originally a military air base?

A: Yes, like many of the airports in the Highlands and Islands, Inverness Airport was originally a RAF air base and played a role in World War II.

Q: When was Inverness Airport converted to civilian use?

A: Inverness Airport was converted to civilian use in 1947.

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