What is Inuinnaqtun?

Q: What is Inuinnaqtun?

A: Inuinnaqtun is an Inuit language spoken in northern Canada.

Q: Where is Inuinnaqtun spoken?

A: Inuinnaqtun is spoken in northern Canada.

Q: Is Inuinnaqtun an official language of Nunavut and Northwest Territories?

A: Yes, Inuinnaqtun is one of the official languages of Nunavut and the Northwest Territories.

Q: How is Inuinnaqtun related to Inuktitut?

A: Inuinnaqtun is closely related to Inuktitut.

Q: In what script is Inuinnaqtun written?

A: Inuinnaqtun is only written in Latin script.

Q: How many native speakers does Inuinnaqtun have?

A: Inuinnaqtun has 410 native speakers.

Q: In what territories is Inuinnaqtun spoken?

A: Inuinnaqtun is spoken in Nunavut and the Northwest Territories, two of the three territories in Canada.

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