What is the International Standard Name Identifier?
Q: What is the International Standard Name Identifier?
A: The International Standard Name Identifier, or ISNI, is a 16-digit number used to uniquely identify individuals who have contributed to creative works such as books, newspapers, music, plays, movies and television programs.
Q: Who runs the database of ISNI numbers?
A: The ISNI Agency runs the database of ISNI numbers.
Q: What organization is the ISNI Agency a part of?
A: The ISNI Agency is part of the International Organization for Standardization.
Q: How many identities does the ISNI Agency hold records of?
A: The ISNI Agency holds public records of over 9.8 million identities.
Q: When did the ISNI database project begin?
A: The ISNI database project began in 2011.
Q: Why is the ISNI number important?
A: The ISNI number is important because it provides a standard identifier for individuals who have contributed to creative works, making it easier to accurately and efficiently identify these individuals and their contributions.
Q: What types of creative works are covered by the ISNI number?
A: The ISNI number covers a range of creative works, including books, newspapers, music, plays, movies and television programs.