What does ISBN stand for?
Q: What does ISBN stand for?
A: ISBN stands for International Standard Book Number.
Q: When was the ISBN system created?
A: The ISBN system was created in 1966 in the United Kingdom by W.H. Smith.
Q: What was the original name of the system before it became ISO 2108?
A: The original name of the system before it became ISO 2108 was Standard Book Numbering (SBN) code.
Q: What is the difference between ISBN and ISSN?
A: ISBN is used as a unique identifier for books, while ISSN is used as a unique identifier for periodical publications such as magazines.
Q: When was ISBN adopted as the international standard?
A: ISBN was adopted as the international standard ISO 2108 in 1970.
Q: How long are ISBNs now?
A: Since January 1, 2007, ISBNs are of 13 digits, like in Bookland EAN-13.
Q: Who is responsible for the ISBN standard?
A: The TC 46/SC 9 is responsible for the ISBN standard.