What is international human rights law?

Q: What is international human rights law?

A: International human rights law is a series of international laws on human rights that are based upon the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Charter of the United Nations.

Q: What is the fundamental philosophy behind international human rights law?

A: The fundamental philosophy behind international human rights law is to prevent war and keep world peace on the earth, with the idea of rule of law.

Q: How does international human rights law aim to achieve its goals?

A: International human rights law aims to achieve its goals by upholding the dignity and rights of all humans on earth.

Q: Where did international human rights law originate from?

A: International human rights law originated from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Charter of the United Nations.

Q: What are some examples of international laws on human rights?

A: Examples of international laws on human rights include freedom from torture, right to education, right to work, right to health care, etc.

Q: Why was international human rights law created?

A: International huma nrights law was created in order to protect and promote universal respect for basic freedoms and dignity for all people around the world.

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