What is Institut supérieur de l'automobile et des transports?

Q: What is Institut supérieur de l'automobile et des transports?

A: Institut supérieur de l'automobile et des transports is a graduate engineering school in France specialized in automotive engineering.

Q: Where is Institut supérieur de l'automobile et des transports located?

A: It is located on a campus of the University of Burgundy in Center France.

Q: What degrees can be obtained from Institut supérieur de l'automobile et des transports?

A: The different curricula at Institut supérieur de l'automobile et des transports lead to the French & European degrees of Ingénieur ISAT (ISAT Graduate engineer Masters level program) and Master of Science.

Q: What languages are used in academic activities and industrial applied research at Institut supérieur de l'automobile et des transports?

A: Academic activities and industrial applied research are performed mainly in French and English languages.

Q: How many nationalities participate in the different curricula at ISAT?

A: Students from a dozen nationalities participate in the different curricula at Institut supérieur de l'automobile et des transports.

Q: Is Institut supérieur de l'automobile et des transports a public school?

A: Yes, Institut supérieur de l'automobile et des transports is a French public school.

Q: Is Institut supérieur de l'automobile et des transports the only specialized school in automotive engineering in France?

A: Yes, Institut supérieur de l'automobile et des transports is the only French public school specialized in automotive engineering.

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