What is Institut des sciences et techniques des Yvelines?

Q: What is Institut des sciences et techniques des Yvelines?

A: Institut des sciences et techniques des Yvelines is a graduate engineering school in France.

Q: Where is Institut des sciences et techniques des Yvelines located?

A: Institut des sciences et techniques des Yvelines is located in a campus of the Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, Northern France.

Q: What degrees does Institut des sciences et techniques des Yvelines offer?

A: Institut des sciences et techniques des Yvelines offers the following French and European degree: Ingénieur ISTY (ISTY Graduate engineer Masters level program).

Q: In which languages are academic activities and industrial applied research performed at Institut des sciences et techniques des Yvelines?

A: Academic activities and industrial applied research are performed mainly in French and English languages at Institut des sciences et techniques des Yvelines.

Q: Is Institut des sciences et techniques des Yvelines an undergraduate school?

A: No, Institut des sciences et techniques des Yvelines is a graduate engineering school.

Q: Is Institut des sciences et techniques des Yvelines located in Southern France?

A: No, Institut des sciences et techniques des Yvelines is located in Northern France.

Q: What is the abbreviation for the graduate engineering program offered at Institut des sciences et techniques des Yvelines?

A: The abbreviation for the graduate engineering program offered at Institut des sciences et techniques des Yvelines is "Ingénieur ISTY".

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