Where is Innamincka located?
Q: Where is Innamincka located?
A: Innamincka is located in north-east South Australia.
Q: How far is Innamincka from Adelaide?
A: Innamincka is 1065 km northeast of Adelaide.
Q: How far is Innamincka from Lyndhurst?
A: Innamincka is 459 km from Lyndhurst up the Strzelecki Track.
Q: Where is Cooper Creek located?
A: Cooper Creek is located on the banks of Innamincka in the state's Channel Country.
Q: Name the deserts that surround Innamincka.
A: Innamincka is surrounded by the Strzelecki, Tirari and Sturt Stony Deserts.
Q: What is Innamincka Regional Reserve?
A: Innamincka Regional Reserve is a reserve surrounding the town of Innamincka.
Q: How many people were living in Innamincka in 2006?
A: 131 people were living in Innamincka in 2006.