What is the opposite of immortality?
Q: What is the opposite of immortality?
A: The opposite of immortality is mortality, which means a living thing can die.
Q: Are there any living things that are known to be immortal?
A: Yes, there are a small number of living things that are known to be immortal. These are mainly simple, lower forms of life like bacteria.
Q: Is it possible for people or animals to become immortal?
A: Not yet, although stories about immortal people or animals are popular in fiction and mythology.
Q: Do religions say people have an immortal soul with an afterlife?
A: Yes, many religions say people have an immortal soul with an afterlife.
Q: How long would the average life span be if everyone were physically immortal?
A: Insurance actuaries have calculated that even if everyone were physically immortal, the average life span would still only be 400 years because of the accident rate; eventually, everyone would die of a fatal accident and it would be very unusual to encounter anyone more than 800 years old.
Q: What color represents immortality in Western civilization?
A: The color amaranth represents immortality in Western civilization.
Q: What color represents immortality in Chinese civilization?
A: The color peach represents immortality in Chinese civilization.