What is the meaning of II (or ii) in Roman numerals?

Q: What is the meaning of II (or ii) in Roman numerals?

A: II (or ii) is the Roman numeral for two.

Q: What is ii in certain alphabets?

A: ii is a digraph in certain alphabets.

Q: What is Ii?

A: Ii is a municipality of Finland.

Q: What is an illegal immigrant?

A: There is no direct connection between the text and the definition of an illegal immigrant, so no answer is provided.

Q: What is the optic nerve?

A: The optic nerve is the second cranial nerve.

Q: What is Yi language?

A: Yi language (ISO 639 alpha-2, ii) is a language that is identified by the two-letter code ii in the ISO 639-1 standard.

Q: What is Led Zeppelin II?

A: Led Zeppelin II is an album from 1969 by the English rock band Led Zeppelin.

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