Who wrote the music for Idomeneo?

Q: Who wrote the music for Idomeneo?

A: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart wrote the music for Idomeneo.

Q: In what language is the libretto for Idomeneo written?

A: The libretto for Idomeneo is written in Italian.

Q: Who wrote the libretto for Idomeneo?

A: Giambattista Varesco is the person who wrote the libretto for Idomeneo.

Q: What was the inspiration for the libretto of Idomeneo?

A: Antoine Danchet's French text was the inspiration for the libretto of Idomeneo.

Q: When was Idomeneo first performed?

A: Idomeneo was first performed in Munich on 29 January 1781.

Q: What type of opera is Idomeneo?

A: Idomeneo is an opera seria, which means it is a serious opera.

Q: Who requested Mozart and Varesco to write an opera for a court carnival?

A: The Elector of Bavaria requested Mozart and Varesco to write an opera for a court carnival.

Q: What did Mozart draw inspiration from for the choruses, marches, and ballets in Idomeneo?

A: Mozart drew inspiration from French opera tradition for the choruses, marches, and ballets in Idomeneo.

Q: How old was Mozart when he wrote Idomeneo?

A: Mozart was only 24 years old when he wrote Idomeneo.

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