How are Icelandic names different from most naming systems in the West?

Q: How are Icelandic names different from most naming systems in the West?

A: Icelandic names follow a patronymic (sometimes matronymic) surname pattern where a person's last name is the name of their father, plus -son or -dottír.

Q: Can you give an example of how this naming system works?

A: If a man called Eric had a son called Leif, Leif's name would be Leif Ericsson. If a girl called Astrid's parents were Leif and Inga, then their daughter could be called either Astrid Leifsdóttir, or Astrid Ingasdóttir.

Q: Are there any differences in how this naming system applies to males and females?

A: The same naming system applies to both males and females, although sometimes women take the name of their father for their last name, or the name of their mother.

Q: What changes were announced to Icelandic naming laws in 2019?

A: Given names are not limited by gender anymore. People that are registered officially with a non-binary gender will be able to use the suffix -bur ("child of") instead of -son or -dóttir.

Q: Why does Iceland still use this naming system?

A: Iceland has kept this naming system because it is an island and had little contact with the outside world for quite some time, so there was not much change in things like customs, language and naming systems.

Q: Did the Vikings use this naming system?

A: Yes, this naming system is the same naming system that was used by the Vikings.

Q: What is a matronymic surname pattern?

A: A matronymic surname pattern is when a person's last name is the name of their mother, plus -son or -dottír. - 2020 / 2023 - License CC3