Who is the artist of "I Need a Girl (Part One)"?
Q: Who is the artist of "I Need a Girl (Part One)"?
A: The artist of "I Need a Girl (Part One)" is American rapper P. Diddy.
Q: What other artists are featured on the song?
A: Usher and Loon are featured on the song.
Q: When was the song released?
A: The song was released from the album We Invented the Remix in 2002.
Q: How well did it do on the Billboard Hot 100 chart?
A: It reached number two on the Billboard Hot 100 chart.
Q: How successful was it on the Hot Rap Tracks chart?
A: It reached number one on the Hot Rap Tracks chart.
Q: How did it perform in terms of UK Singles Chart success?
A: It reached number four on the UK Singles Chart.