What is hyperbolic geometry?

Q: What is hyperbolic geometry?

A: Hyperbolic geometry is a non-Euclidean geometry, meaning that the parallel postulate that defines Euclidean geometry isn't true. On a hyperbolic plane, lines that started out parallel will become further and further apart.

Q: How does hyperbolic geometry differ from ordinary flat plane geometry?

A: Replacing the rule of Euclidean geometry with the rule of hyperbolic geometry means that it acts differently from ordinary flat plane geometry. For example, triangles will have angles that add up to less than 180 degrees, meaning that they are too pointy and will look like the sides are sinking into the middle.

Q: Are there any real objects shaped like pieces of a hyperbolic plane?

A: Yes, some types of coral and lettuce are shaped like pieces of a hyperbolic plane.

Q: Why might it be easier to draw a map of the Internet when your map isn't flat?

A: It may be easier to draw a map of the Internet when your map isn't flat because there are more computers around the edges but very few in the center.

Q: Does this concept apply to anything else besides mapping out computer networks?

A: Some physicists even think our universe is a little bit hyperbolic.

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