What is hydroxide in chemistry?

Q: What is hydroxide in chemistry?

A: Hydroxide in chemistry is a diatomic anion OH−, made up of oxygen and hydrogen atoms.

Q: What are most chemical compounds that contain hydroxides?

A: Most chemical compounds that contain hydroxides are bases.

Q: What is an Arrhenius base?

A: An Arrhenius base is a substance that, when dissolved in an aqueous solution, produces hydroxide ions.

Q: What are hydroxide ions heavily involved in?

A: Hydroxide ions are heavily involved in acid-base reactions.

Q: What are some useful chemical reactions or processes that involve hydroxide or hydroxide ions?

A: Sodium hydroxide is used in industry as a strong base, potassium hydroxide is used in agriculture, and iron hydroxide minerals such as goethite and limonite have been used as iron ore.

Q: What is the aluminium ore bauxite made mainly out of?

A: The aluminium ore bauxite is made mainly out of aluminium hydroxides.

Q: Do most inorganic hydroxide salts dissolve in water?

A: No, most inorganic hydroxide salts do not dissolve in water.

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