When was Huntingdon College founded?

Q: When was Huntingdon College founded?

A: Huntingdon College was founded in 1854.

Q: Where is Huntingdon College located?

A: Huntingdon College is located in Montgomery, Alabama, United States.

Q: What is Huntingdon College known for?

A: Huntingdon College is known for its business and science programs.

Q: Has Huntingdon college made a football team?

A: Yes, Huntingdon College has recently made a football team.

Q: Does Huntingdon College have a marching band?

A: Yes, Huntingdon College has a marching band.

Q: What kind of college is Huntingdon College?

A: Huntingdon College is a liberal arts college.

Q: What is the significance of Huntingdon College?

A: Huntingdon College is significant because it has a long history of being a liberal arts institution and has recently expanded to include football and a marching band.

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