What is the role of the HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee (HGNC)?
Q: What is the role of the HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee (HGNC)?
A: The HGNC sets a unique and meaningful name for every known human gene.
Q: How does HGNC choose the names for genes?
A: HGNC asks experts their opinions before giving a long name and an abbreviation to every gene.
Q: What is the abbreviation for the name given to each gene by the HGNC?
A: The abbreviation is referred to as a symbol.
Q: Why are traditional gene names and abbreviations not specific for a single gene?
A: Traditional gene names and abbreviations can be used to refer to multiple different genes, leading to confusion.
Q: How many gene symbols are given to each gene by the HGNC?
A: The HGNC short gene names, or gene symbols, are given to one gene only.
Q: What is the benefit of using HGNC gene symbols instead of traditional gene names?
A: Using HGNC gene symbols reduces confusion as to which gene is being referred to.
Q: What organization is the HGNC a part of?
A: The HGNC is part of the Human Genome Organisation (HUGO).