What is the median annual household income in the United States?

Q: What is the median annual household income in the United States?

A: The median annual household income in the United States according to the US Census Bureau was determined to be $46,326 in 2005.

Q: How much did households in the top quintile earn?

A: Households in the top quintile had incomes exceeding $91,705.

Q: What percentage of all households had an annual income over $100,000?

A: 17.23% of all households had an annual income over $100,000.

Q: How many households were there in the United States in 2005?

A: There were approximately 113,146,000 households in the United States in 2005.

Q: What was the median number of income earners for those with lower incomes?

A: The median number of income earners for those with lower incomes was determined to be zero due to high unemployment among this group.

Q: What was the median household income according to US Census Bureau data from 1990?

A: The median household income according to US Census Bureau data from 1990 was determined to be $30,056; $44,603 in 2003 dollars.

Q: Has personal or household income increased since 1990 when adjusted for inflation?

A: Personal income has remained relatively stagnant since over the past few decades while household income has risen due to a rising percentage of households with two or more earners; however overall both have decreased very slightly when considering inflation.

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