What is the hourglass dolphin?
Q: What is the hourglass dolphin?
A: The hourglass dolphin is a species of dolphin that is small and wide compared to other dolphins.
Q: Where does the hourglass dolphin live?
A: The hourglass dolphin only lives in the very cold waters of the Antarctic.
Q: How did scientists first learn about the hourglass dolphin?
A: Scientists first learned about the hourglass dolphin when a drawing was made of it in 1820.
Q: How many hourglass dolphins have been examined by scientists?
A: Only six Hourglass dolphins have been examined by scientists.
Q: What is the average water temperature where the hourglass dolphin lives?
A: The average water temperature where the hourglass dolphin lives is 0.1-0.3 degrees Celsius.
Q: What do hourglass dolphins eat?
A: Hourglass dolphins are thought to eat small fish, crustaceans, and squid. They have conical teeth probably used to crack the shells of crustaceans.
Q: Where else have hourglass dolphins been seen?
A: Some hourglass dolphins have been seen from the south of New Zealand and Chile, but they usually stay around the Antarctic.