What is the Hôtel de Montesson?

Q: What is the Hôtel de Montesson?

A: The Hôtel de Montesson is a small townhouse located on the Rue de la Chaussée-d'Antin in Paris, France.

Q: Who was the Hôtel de Montesson constructed for?

A: The Hôtel de Montesson was constructed for Madame de Montesson, the secret and morganatic wife of Louis Philippe d'Orléans, Duke of Orléans.

Q: When was the Hôtel de Montesson constructed?

A: The Hôtel de Montesson was constructed after 1770.

Q: What was the relationship between Louis Philippe d'Orléans and Madame de Montesson?

A: Louis Philippe d'Orléans was the secret and morganatic husband of Madame de Montesson.

Q: When did Louis Philippe d'Orléans and Madame de Montesson get married?

A: Louis Philippe d'Orléans and Madame de Montesson got married circa 1768 in the Chapel of the Hôtel.

Q: What happened to the Hôtel de Montesson?

A: The Hôtel de Montesson was destroyed by an accidental fire in 1810.

Q: Was Louis Philippe d'Orléans' house adjoined to Montesson's?

A: Yes, Louis Philippe d'Orléans' house was adjoined to Montesson's.

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