What is Hot Mainstream Rock Tracks?

Q: What is Hot Mainstream Rock Tracks?

A: Hot Mainstream Rock Tracks is a ranking in Billboard that lists the most-played songs on mainstream rock radio stations.

Q: What kind of radio stations are included in the category of mainstream rock stations?

A: The category of mainstream rock stations includes stations that play mainly rock music but are not modern rock (alternative) stations.

Q: What was Hot Mainstream Rock Tracks originally called?

A: Hot Mainstream Rock Tracks was originally called Mainstream Rock Tracks.

Q: What is the difference between Hot Mainstream Rock Tracks and Hot Modern Rock Tracks?

A: Hot Mainstream Rock Tracks includes radio stations that play primarily rock music but are not modern rock (alternative) stations. Hot Modern Rock Tracks, on the other hand, counts stations that play alternative rock music.

Q: What does Hot Mainstream Rock Tracks list?

A: Hot Mainstream Rock Tracks lists the songs that have received the most airplay on mainstream rock radio stations.

Q: What is the basis of the ranking in Hot Mainstream Rock Tracks?

A: Hot Mainstream Rock Tracks ranking is based on the number of times a song is played on mainstream rock radio stations.

Q: Which chart does Hot Mainstream Rock Tracks belong to?

A: Hot Mainstream Rock Tracks belongs to the Billboard chart.

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