What is Home Depot?

Q: What is Home Depot?

A: Home Depot is an American company in the United States that sells things for people to improve their homes and build things.

Q: How many stores does Home Depot have?

A: Home Depot has over 2,000 stores.

Q: Where is Home Depot's main office located?

A: Home Depot's main office is near Atlanta, Georgia.

Q: How does Home Depot compare to other home improvement stores in terms of profits?

A: Home Depot makes more money than any other home improvement store.

Q: What is the size of Home Depot stores on average?

A: Home Depot stores are usually 105,000 square feet (9,755 square meters).

Q: What is the largest Home Depot store and where is it located?

A: The largest Home Depot store is 217,000 sq ft (20,200 m2) and it is located in Vauxhall, New Jersey.

Q: What is the rank of Home Depot among chain stores?

A: Home Depot is the fourth largest chain store in general.

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