What is Holland's schema theorem?
Q: What is Holland's schema theorem?
A: Holland's schema theorem is a theorem regarding genetic algorithms that says individuals with a fitness that is higher than average are more likely to prevail.
Q: Who proposed Holland's schema theorem and when?
A: John Holland proposed Holland's schema theorem in the 1970s.
Q: What is a schema in the context of genetic algorithms?
A: In the context of genetic algorithms, a schema is a template that identifies a subset of strings with similarities at certain string positions.
Q: What is the interpretation of Holland's schema theorem that was used as the foundation for explanations of the power of genetic algorithms?
A: The interpretation of Holland's schema theorem that was used as the foundation for explanations of the power of genetic algorithms is that individuals with a fitness that is higher than average are more likely to prevail.
Q: What has criticism of Holland's schema theorem shown it to be?
A: Criticism of Holland's schema theorem has shown it to be a special case of the Price equation with the schema indicator function as the macroscopic measurement.
Q: What is a special case of cylinder sets?
A: Schemata are a special case of cylinder sets.
Q: What kind of space do schemata form?
A: Schemata form a topological space.