Where is Hlinsko located?

Q: Where is Hlinsko located?

A: Hlinsko is located in east Bohemia in the Czech Republic.

Q: On which river is Hlinsko situated?

A: Hlinsko is situated on the banks of the Chrudimka river.

Q: In which region does Hlinsko belong?

A: Hlinsko belongs to the Pardubice region.

Q: What is the approximate altitude of Hlinsko?

A: Hlinsko is about 590 meters above sea level.

Q: How many inhabitants does Hlinsko have?

A: Hlinsko has about 10,000 inhabitants.

Q: In which geographical area is Hlinsko situated?

A: Hlinsko is in the Bohemian-Moravian highlands on the border of the Iron Mountains.

Q: Does Hlinsko qualify as a large city?

A: No, Hlinsko is a small city.

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