What are hit boxes in video games?

Q: What are hit boxes in video games?

A: Hit boxes are areas programmed into a video or computer game where an attack will hit and do damage.

Q: What is a hurt box in video games?

A: A hurt box is where a player or bot can be hurt by another's attack.

Q: What is splash damage in video games?

A: Splash damage is the area where a player or bot's own attack does damage to themselves.

Q: Which weapons usually do splash damage in video games?

A: Explosive weapons like rocket launchers and grenades usually do splash damage if they explode too close to the player or bot.

Q: What happens in video games when friendly fire is on and explosive weapons are used too close to a player or bot?

A: Even when friendly fire is on, explosive weapons like rocket launchers and grenades usually do splash damage if they explode too close to the player or bot.

Q: What is the purpose of hit boxes in video games?

A: Hit boxes are programmed into video or computer games to ensure that attacks will hit and do damage to a designated area.

Q: How do hurt boxes work in video games?

A: Hurt boxes are programmed areas in video games where a player or bot can be hurt by another's attack.

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