What is the hexadecimal numeral system?
Q: What is the hexadecimal numeral system?
A: The hexadecimal numeral system is a base 16 numbering system made up of 16 symbols.
Q: What are the ten symbols used in the decimal (base 10) system?
A: The ten symbols used in the decimal (base 10) system are 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 and 9.
Q: What six extra symbols does hexadecimal use?
A: Hexadecimal uses letters taken from the English alphabet - A, B, C, D, E and F.
Q: How many bits does a single byte contain on modern computers?
A: On modern computers each byte generally contains eight bits.
Q: What do engineers and computer scientists call four-bit values?
A: Engineers and computer scientists refer to four-bit values as nibbles (sometimes spelled nybble).
Q: How can you avoid confusion with other numbering systems when writing hexadecimal numbers?
A: To avoid confusion with other numbering systems when writing hexadecimal numbers you can add a "h" after or "0x" before the number. For example 63h or 0x63 mean 63 hexadecimal.