What is a hertz?
Q: What is a hertz?
A: A hertz is a unit of frequency derived from time in the International System of Units (SI).
Q: How is frequency measured using hertz?
A: Frequency is measured by how often something happens over a unit of time, with a frequency of 1 hertz meaning something happens once per second.
Q: Are there other ways to express the unit of frequency besides hertz?
A: Yes, other expressions can be used to express frequency besides hertz, as shown in the table.
Q: What is the frequency of Middle C on the piano?
A: The frequency of Middle C on the piano is 261.65 (262) Hz, meaning there are 262 vibrations every second.
Q: What range of sound frequencies can humans hear?
A: Humans can hear sounds in the range of 20 to 20,000 Hz.
Q: What range of sound frequencies can owls hear?
A: Owls can hear sounds in the range of 200 to 12,000 Hz.
Q: After whom is the unit of frequency, hertz, named?
A: The unit of frequency, hertz, is named after a German physicist Heinrich Rudolf Hertz.