Who was Anna Sewell?

Q: Who was Anna Sewell?

A: Anna Sewell was an English novelist, known for her book Black Beauty.

Q: What is Black Beauty?

A: Black Beauty is a 1877 novel, and one of the top ten best selling novels for children ever written, authored by Anna Sewell.

Q: Where was Anna Sewell born?

A: Anna Sewell was born in Great Yarmouth, Norfolk.

Q: What was Anna Sewell's concern for horses?

A: Anna had a deep concern for the humane treatment of horses, which began from a young age due to her own difficulty in walking and love for carriage horses.

Q: What was Anna Sewell's inspiration for writing Black Beauty?

A: Reading an essay on animals by Horace Bushnell inspired Anna Sewell to induce kindness, sympathy and an understanding treatment of horses through her writing.

Q: How did Anna Sewell spend her last years?

A: Anna Sewell spent her last years as an invalid, confined to her house, writing Black Beauty.

Q: What was the moral purpose of Black Beauty?

A: Black Beauty, a fictional autobiography of a gentle highbred horse, had a strong moral purpose, and may have helped abolish the cruel practice of using a checkrein.

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