Who was Henri Rousseau?

Q: Who was Henri Rousseau?

A: Henri Rousseau was a post-Impressionist painter born in Laval, Mayenne.

Q: What did Rousseau do before he started painting?

A: Before he started painting, Rousseau worked a variety of jobs including being a saxophonist and toll collector.

Q: What was Rousseau known as?

A: Rousseau was known as "Le Douanier" or "the customs officer."

Q: Where did Rousseau exhibit his paintings?

A: Rousseau exhibited his paintings at the Salon des Indépendents and the Salon d'Automne.

Q: How is Rousseau's art style described?

A: Rousseau's art style is described as a spontaneous vision of reality combined with an imaginary universe of great plastic and poetical power.

Q: Was Rousseau's style always well-received by critics?

A: No, some critics ridiculed Rousseau's style but he eventually came to be recognized as a self-taught genius.

Q: Did Rousseau's art have an influence on other artists?

A: Yes, Rousseau's work had a great influence on many avant-garde artists.

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