Who was Hatshepsut?

Q: Who was Hatshepsut?

A: Hatshepsut was the fifth Pharaoh of the 18th dynasty of Ancient Egypt, meaning Foremost of Noble Ladies.

Q: Who was her father?

A: Her father was Thutmose I.

Q: Who was her predecessor?

A: Her predecessor was Thutmose II, who was also her brother and husband.

Q: Who was her successor?

A: Her successor was Thutmose III, her nephew, the son of Thutmose II by a lesser wife.

Q: Who was the effective ruler during her reign?

A: Hatshepsut was the effective ruler during her reign.

Q: How long did her reign last?

A: The length of her reign usually is given as twenty-two years.

Q: When did she become pharaoh?

A: She became pharaoh in about 1479 BC and died in 1458 BC.

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