Black Afghan is a redirect to this article. For the TV crime thriller see Tatort: Schwarzer Afghane.
Hasch is a redirect to this article. For the Austrian painter see Carl Hasch.
Hashish (from Arabic حشيش, DMG ḥašīš 'grass') refers to the resin obtained from plant parts of the female cannabis plant. It represents an extract often pressed into slabs or blocks. Common synonymous terms for it are also hash or shit. Individual pieces of the pressed hashish slabs are often called "pieces" (more rarely edges or corners).
Hashish is a brown soft resin which is insoluble in water and burns without residue on platinum sheet. The resin dissolves in ethanol, ether, chloroform, benzene, benzine, acetone and acetic ester, forming a golden yellow colour.
In the production of high-quality hashish, mainly the inflorescences of the female cannabis plant are used. The reason for this is that, compared to the rest of the plant, they contain considerably more resin glands with tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the main intoxicating component of the plant.
The possession - but not the consumption - of cannabis products such as hashish is prohibited in Austria and Germany if the respective THC limits are exceeded (for more details see Legal aspects of hemp). In Switzerland, consumption is also prohibited.


A piece of hashish ("Piece")
→ Main articles: Cannabis as intoxicant and hemp as medicine
Hash is used both as an intoxicant and as a medicine. With its relaxing effect it belongs to the rather "soft" drugs. Hashish is usually smoked in pipes (bong) or as a joint, but can also be consumed in food.
With the change in the law in Germany on 10 March 2017 regarding "cannabis as medicine", standardised extracts from the cannabis flower have become part of the therapy options and can be covered by health insurance.
In the hemp plant Cannabis sativa, 483 (as of 2007) different constituents have been identified so far. Among them are at least 113 cannabinoids and more than 140 terpene derivatives. Since there are now also many synthetic cannabinoids on the market, the cannabinoids from the hemp plant are called phytocannabinoids. The ingredients of the cannabis resin can be roughly divided into cannabinoid and non-cannabinoid substances.
Questions and Answers
Q: What is hashish made from?
A: Hashish is made from the flower of the female cannabis plant.
Q: What are cannabinoids?
A: Cannabinoids are chemicals found in the leaves and flowers of the cannabis plant.
Q: What is the difference between THC and CBD?
A: THC gives a feeling of euphoria to the user, while CBD gives a relaxing feeling.
Q: What is CBG?
A: CBG is a cannabinoid that gives the user red or droopy eyes.
Q: What is the origin of the word "hashish"?
A: The word "hashish" comes from an Arabic word meaning dry weed.
Q: What is the difference between hashish and marijuana?
A: Hashish has much more THC than marijuana.
Q: Is hashish legal?
A: Hashish is illegal in many countries, including the United States and the UK.