What is a harp?
Q: What is a harp?
A: A harp is a musical instrument.
Q: Where is a harp commonly found in an orchestra?
A: A harp is the second biggest string instrument in an orchestra.
Q: How far back does the history of the harp date back?
A: The history of the harp dates back to 4000 BC.
Q: Who used harps in holy places?
A: The Egyptians used harps in holy places.
Q: In which religious tradition are angels often depicted playing the harp?
A: Christian artists often draw angels playing harps in Heaven.
Q: What size is a harp compared to other string instruments?
A: The harp is the second biggest string instrument in an orchestra.
Q: What makes the harp stand out among other musical instruments?
A: The harp's unique shape and design makes it stand out among other musical instruments.