What is a hare?
Q: What is a hare?
A: A hare is a mammal of the order Lagomorpha, in the same family as the rabbit. They are larger than rabbits and have black tipped ears.
Q: What is the diet of a hare?
A: Their diet resembles what rabbits eat; they eat rutabaga and lettuce. They graze on grass and leafy weeds.
Q: How fast can a European brown hare run?
A: The European brown hare can run at speeds up to 56 km/h (35 mph).
Q: How fast can jackrabbits run?
A: The five species of jackrabbit found in central and western North America can run at 64 km/h (40 mph).
Q: Can jackrabbits leap?
A: Yes, jackrabbits can leap up to 3m (ten feet) at a time.
Q: Do hares live alone or in groups?
A: Hares live solitarily or in pairs; a "drove" is the name for a group of hares.
Q: What family do hares belong to?
A: Hares belong to the same family as rabbits, the order Lagomorpha.