What is Hampton National Cemetery?
Q: What is Hampton National Cemetery?
A: Hampton National Cemetery is a National Cemetery located in Hampton, Virginia, USA.
Q: How big is Hampton National Cemetery?
A: Hampton National Cemetery covers 27.1 acres (11.0 ha).
Q: How many interments does the cemetery have?
A: As of the end of 2005, Hampton National Cemetery had 27,799 interments.
Q: How many parts are there in Hampton National Cemetery?
A: There are two separate parts in Hampton National Cemetery.
Q: What are the names of the two parts?
A: The original part is called the "Hampton Section," and the new part is called the "Phoebus Addition" or "Phoebus Section."
Q: Where is the Hampton Section located?
A: The Hampton Section is located on Cemetery Road in Hampton, VA, on the western side of I-64.
Q: Are both sections of Hampton National Cemetery still accepting new interments?
A: No, both sections of Hampton National Cemetery are closed to new interments.