Who wrote the play Hamlet?

Q: Who wrote the play Hamlet?

A: The play Hamlet was written by William Shakespeare.

Q: What type of play is Hamlet?

A: Hamlet is a tragedy play.

Q: What is the significance of Hamlet?

A: Hamlet is one of Shakespeare's best-known plays and many lines from the play have become famous quotations.

Q: When was Hamlet written?

A: Hamlet was written between 1600 and 1602.

Q: When was Hamlet first printed?

A: Hamlet was first printed in 1603.

Q: How long is the play Hamlet?

A: Hamlet is the longest Shakespearean play with 4042 lines and 29551 words.

Q: What is the name of the protagonist in Hamlet?

A: The name of the protagonist in Hamlet is Prince Hamlet of Denmark.

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