What kind of animal is the Angola colobus?

Q: What kind of animal is the Angola colobus?

A: The Angola colobus is an arboreal monkey that belongs to the Colobus genus.

Q: What is unusual about the Angola colobus's fingers?

A: The Angola colobus has no thumbs, which allows them to shape their fingers into a winging hook.

Q: What is the diet of the Angola colobus?

A: The Angola colobus eats leaves, fruit, and seeds.

Q: Is it common for primates to have no thumbs?

A: No, it is not normal for primates to have no thumbs like the Angola colobus.

Q: Where do Angola colobus monkeys live?

A: Angola colobus monkeys are arboreal and often live in trees.

Q: What is the scientific name of the Angola colobus?

A: The scientific name of the Angola colobus is Colobus angolensis.

Q: What is the genus of the Angola colobus monkey?

A: The Angola colobus monkey belongs to the Colobus genus.

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