Where is Hainsfarth located?
Q: Where is Hainsfarth located?
A: Hainsfarth is a municipality in the district of Donau-Ries in Bavaria in Germany.
Q: Who is the current mayor of Hainsfarth?
A: The current mayor of Hainsfarth is Ursula Seefried.
Q: What percentage of the people living in Hainsfarth in 1810 was Jewish?
A: 40% of the people living in Hainsfarth in 1810 was Jewish.
Q: Has Hainsfarth had a synagogue since when?
A: Hainsfarth has had a synagogue since 1710.
Q: Was the synagogue in Hainsfarth destroyed? If so, when?
A: Yes, the synagogue in Hainsfarth was destroyed by the Nazis in 1938.
Q: Was the Jewish cemetery in Hainsfarth also destroyed by the Nazis?
A: Yes, the Jewish cemetery in Hainsfarth was ruined by the Nazis.
Q: When was the Hainsfarth synagogue rebuilt and the Jewish cemetery restored?
A: The Hainsfarth synagogue was rebuilt in 1996 and the Jewish cemetery was also restored.