Where is Gusinje located?

Q: Where is Gusinje located?

A: Gusinje is located in north-eastern Montenegro.

Q: What is the population of Gusinje according to 2011 statistics?

A: According to 2011 statistics, the population of Gusinje is 4,027 people.

Q: Is Gusinje surrounded by mountains?

A: Yes, Gusinje is surrounded by mountains due to its location in the Plav-Gusinje valley.

Q: What is the majority religion in Gusinje?

A: The majority religion in Gusinje is Islam.

Q: What are the two ethnicities that make up the mixed population in Gusinje?

A: The two ethnicities that make up the mixed population in Gusinje are Muslim Bosniaks and Muslim Albanians.

Q: Do Muslim Bosniaks and Muslim Albanians coexist peacefully in Gusinje?

A: Yes, both of these ethnicities live in peace and coexist with each other in Gusinje.

Q: Can you provide the Montenegrin Cyrillic and Albanian spelling of Gusinje?

A: The Montenegrin Cyrillic spelling of Gusinje is Гусиње, while the Albanian spelling is Gucia.

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