What is Gundaroo?
Q: What is Gundaroo?
A: Gundaroo is a small village located in New South Wales, Australia.
Q: In which shire is Gundaroo situated?
A: Gundaroo is situated in the Yass Valley Shire.
Q: How far is Gundaroo from Sutton?
A: Gundaroo is about 16 kilometers north of Sutton.
Q: Where is Gundaroo built?
A: Gundaroo is built near the Yass River.
Q: What is the population of Gundaroo?
A: The population of Gundaroo is approximately 300 people.
Q: What is the distance between Gundaroo and the Lake George range?
A: Gundaroo is about 15 kilometers west of the Lake George range.
Q: In which state is Gundaroo located?
A: Gundaroo is situated in New South Wales.