How many species does the genus Angelica have?

Q: How many species does the genus Angelica have?

A: The genus Angelica has about 50 species.

Q: What is the family that Angelica belongs to?

A: Angelica belongs to the family Apiaceae.

Q: In which regions of the Northern Hemisphere is Angelica native?

A: Angelica is native to temperate and subarctic regions of the Northern Hemisphere, reaching as far North as Iceland and Lapland.

Q: How tall can Angelica plants grow?

A: Angelica plants can grow up to 1-3 meters tall.

Q: What type of leaves do Angelica plants have?

A: Angelica plants have large bipinnate leaves.

Q: What color are the flowers of Angelica?

A: The flowers of Angelica are white or greenish-white.

Q: What is the lifespan of Angelica plants?

A: Angelica plants can be either biennial or perennial. - 2020 / 2023 - License CC3