What is Guarana?
Q: What is Guarana?
A: Guarana (Paullinia cupana) is a shrub or small tree in the Sapindaceae family native to Venezuela and northern Brazil.
Q: What are the properties of the guarana fruit's seed?
A: The seed of the guarana fruit has stimulant, thermogenic, and diuretic properties.
Q: How does the guarana fruit look?
A: The guarana fruit ranges from orange to red in color and contains black seeds which are partly covered by white arils. When split open, it has been likened to eyeballs.
Q: What role does guarana play in Tupi and Guaraní Brazilian culture?
A: In Tupi and Guaraní Brazilian culture, guarana plays an important role as it was believed to be magical with curative powers for bowel complaints and a way to regain strength.
Q: Where does the name 'guaraná' come from?
A: The name 'guaraná' comes from the Tupi-Guarani word wara'ná.
Q: Is there a myth associated with this plant?
A: Yes, there is a myth that tells of a 'Divine Child' that was killed by a serpent whose eyes gave birth to this plant.