What is Guantánamo Bay?

Q: What is Guantánamo Bay?

A: Guantánamo Bay is a bay located in Guantánamo province, Cuba.

Q: Where is Guantánamo Bay situated?

A: Guantánamo Bay is located at the southeastern end of Cuba, at 19°54′N 75°9′W.

Q: What is the size of Guantánamo Bay harbor?

A: Guantánamo Bay is the largest harbour on the south side of the island.

Q: What is the geographical feature surrounding Guantánamo Bay?

A: Guantánamo Bay is surrounded by steep hills that create an enclave and cut off the bay from its immediate hinterland.

Q: What is the significance of Guantánamo Bay?

A: Guantánamo Bay has become significant because of the presence of the United States Naval Base and the detention center for terrorist suspects.

Q: What is the history of Guantánamo Bay?

A: Guantánamo Bay was leased to the United States government in 1903 by the newly independent government of Cuba, and has been a site of conflict and controversy ever since.

Q: What is the population of Guantánamo Bay area?

A: There is no information on the population of the Guantánamo Bay area as it mostly consists of the United States Naval Base and surrounding facilities.

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