Where is Grímsvötn located?

Q: Where is Grímsvötn located?

A: Grímsvötn is located in southeast Iceland.

Q: What is Grímsvötn's elevation?

A: Grímsvötn has an elevation of 1,725 m (5,659 ft).

Q: What type of volcano is Grímsvötn?

A: Grímsvötn is a basaltic volcano.

Q: Does Grímsvötn have a fissure system?

A: Yes, Grímsvötn has a southwest-northeast-trending fissure system.

Q: How does Grímsvötn's eruption frequency compare to other volcanoes in Iceland?

A: Grímsvötn has the highest eruption frequency of all the volcanoes in Iceland.

Q: What significant event was connected to Grímsvötn's fissure system?

A: The massive climate-impacting Laki fissure eruption of 1783-1784 was a part of the same fissure system as Grímsvötn.

Q: Is Grímsvötn currently erupting?

A: The text does not provide information on whether Grímsvötn is currently erupting.

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