What is the greylag goose?
Q: What is the greylag goose?
A: The greylag goose is a species of large grey goose in the waterfowl family Anatidae. It is the largest goose.
Q: Where is the distribution of the greylag goose?
A: The distribution of the greylag goose is widespread.
Q: Where do greylags from the north of their range migrate to during winter?
A: Greylags from the north of their range migrate south to spend the winter in warmer places.
Q: What is the ancestry of the domestic goose?
A: The greylag goose is the ancestor of the domestic goose, and has been domesticated at least since 1360 BC.
Q: Where do greylag geese nest in spring?
A: Greylag geese travel to their northerly breeding grounds in spring, nesting on moorlands, in marshes, around lakes, and on coastal islands.
Q: What is the size of a clutch of greylag goose eggs?
A: A clutch of three to five eggs is laid by greylag geese.
Q: What do greylag geese feed on during winter?
A: During the winter, greylag geese occupy semi-aquatic habitats, estuaries, marshes, and flooded fields, feeding on grass and agricultural crops.