Where is Greta located?

Q: Where is Greta located?

A: Greta is located in Victoria, Australia.

Q: What is the distance between Greta and Benalla?

A: Greta is east of Benalla, but the exact distance is not mentioned in the text.

Q: Which local government is responsible for Greta?

A: The Rural City of Wangaratta is responsible for the governance of Greta.

Q: How many people were recorded to be living in and around Greta during the 2006 census?

A: The 2006 census recorded a population of 231 people living in and around Greta.

Q: Is Greta a big town or a small town?

A: Greta is described as a small town in the text.

Q: What is the significance of Benalla mentioned in the text?

A: Benalla is mentioned in the text as a point of reference for Greta's location.

Q: Which state of Australia is Victoria located in?

A: Victoria is a state in the southern part of Australia.

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