What is the Green Party in Norway?
Q: What is the Green Party in Norway?
A: The Green Party in Norway is a green political party.
Q: What is the name of the Green Party in Norway?
A: The name of the Green Party in Norway is Miljøpartiet de Grønne.
Q: How many representatives did the Green Party have in the Norwegian Parliament after the 2013 election?
A: The Green Party had one representative in the Norwegian Parliament after the 2013 election.
Q: Who was the spokesperson of the Green Party in Norway during the 2013 election?
A: Rasmus Hansson was the spokesperson of the Green Party in Norway during the 2013 election.
Q: How many seats did the Green Party win in the 2021 Norwegian parliamentary election?
A: The Green Party won three seats in the 2021 Norwegian parliamentary election.
Q: Has the Green Party in Norway ever had more than one representative in the Norwegian Parliament?
A: Yes, the Green Party in Norway won three seats in the 2021 Norwegian parliamentary election, indicating that they have had more than one representative in the Norwegian Parliament.
Q: What is the focus of the Green Party's political ideology?
A: The Green Party's political ideology focuses on promoting environmental issues and sustainability.