What is the scientific name of the greater rhea?

Q: What is the scientific name of the greater rhea?

A: The scientific name of the greater rhea is Rhea americana.

Q: Where is the greater rhea found?

A: The greater rhea is found in South America, specifically in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay.

Q: What is the height and weight of the greater rhea?

A: The greater rhea has a length of 3-5 feet and weighs between 50-55 pounds, making it the largest bird in South America.

Q: Is the greater rhea capable of flight?

A: No, the greater rhea is a flightless bird.

Q: What are some other common names for the greater rhea?

A: Some other common names for the greater rhea include grey rhea, common rhea, and American rhea.

Q: Why is the greater rhea named after Rhea and the Latin word for "America"?

A: The greater rhea takes its scientific name from the Greek goddess Rhea and the Latin word for "America".

Q: Who was the first person to describe the greater rhea?

A: The greater rhea was first described by Carl Linnaeus in 1758.

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