What is the Great Basin?

Q: What is the Great Basin?

A: The Great Basin is a desert area in the western United States of America, part of the Basin and Range Province.

Q: How large is the Great Basin?

A: The Great Basin is about 200,000 square miles (520,000 square kilometers) in size.

Q: Is the Great Basin connected to the ocean?

A: No, the Great Basin is an 'endorheic' basin, which means that there is no outlet to the ocean.

Q: What is the biggest river in the Great Basin?

A: The Bear River is the Great Basin's longest and largest river, with a length of 350 miles (560 kilometers).

Q: What happens to the precipitation in the Great Basin?

A: Most Great Basin precipitation is snow. The water that neither evaporates nor is taken for human use will sink into groundwater aquifers.

Q: Where is Lake Tahoe located?

A: Lake Tahoe, North America's largest alpine lake, is part of the Great Basin's central Lahontan subregion.

Q: What is the largest single watershed in the Great Basin?

A: The Humboldt River drainage is the largest single watershed in the Great Basin, with an area of roughly 17,000 square miles (44,000 square kilometers).

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